Link Ch. 8 – What’s killing the movies?

GQ – The Day The Movies Died
Mark Harris takes a look at what’s wrong with the movies today, and with a single paragraph nails it:

[L]et’s look ahead to what’s on the menu for this year: four adaptations of comic books. One prequel to an adaptation of a comic book. One sequel to a sequel to a movie based on a toy. One sequel to a sequel to a sequel to a movie based on an amusement-park ride. One prequel to a remake. Two sequels to cartoons. One sequel to a comedy. An adaptation of a children’s book. An adaptation of a Saturday-morning cartoon. One sequel with a 
4 in the title. Two sequels with a 5 in the title. One sequel that, if it were inclined to use numbers, would have to have a 7 1/2 in the title.

He prefaces this with a lengthy introduction on how Hollywood couldn’t believe that Christopher Nolan’s Inception would be a success.  I mean, it had bankable stars, the director of the decade, and was a sci-fi action movie.  What was wrong with it?  It was original….

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