When is a meme inappropriate?

Long time readers here will know that I’m more than a little obsessed with the Star Wars movies. So the release of Star Wars VII – The Force Awakens directed by the ever brilliant J. J. Abrams on Dec. 18, 2015 has me really excited.  I’m planning to drive to Council Bluffs, about 180 miles away, to see it in 3-D IMAX.

But despite all that, I’ve been reluctant to post the following meme to my social media:

On Friday December 18th 2015 Movie Theaters All Over The World Will Look Like This

Given the recent Oregon school shooting and the sentencing of the Denver movie theater shooter, this image seems  troubling to people I care about.  And I have no difficulty understanding why. How does this image make you feel?  And why?

(Please keep it civil folks. It’s possible to disagree and still be nice to each other.)

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2 Responses to When is a meme inappropriate?

  1. Jerry White says:

    To be honest, this image doesn’t make me feel anything. I don’t have the Star Wars Gene. Is this supposed to somehow relate to movie theater shootings? I don’t see the connection. A moviegoer is supposed to be intimidated by people holding fake guns wearing Star Wars outfits? Doubtful. A shooter is going to dress up in Star Wars gear and bring a real gun and start shooting? I suppose anything is possible. No, this is just nerds having a good time. More power to ’em. Post away!

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