The Good News and Bad News on Student News Consumption

Student news sources

I asked my media literacy students this morning where they go for news.  And the results look pretty good to me.  Lots of local TV news and local newspapers. A number of them watch the Today Show (who knew the kids were watching legacy media?).   And a predictable number get there news through Facebook – but their Facebook feeds generally include a number of respected news providers.

So that’s the good news.

The bad news?

I asked how many of them had paid attention to the news yesterday? (A standard kind of question for getting at real, rather than ideal, behavior.)

Their response?

4 out of 23 students raised their hands.

Not particularly surprising/alarming of college students approaching mid-term time, but it does raise an important issue – regardless of where you go for the news, you have to pay attention to it before the source matters.

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