How to Deal with Offensive Speech – SNL 2018 Edition

Pete Davidson and Dan Crenshaw on SNL.

Pete Davidson and Dan Crenshaw on SNL.

So, a week ago, Pete Davidson on Saturday Night Live mocked a political candidate.  Nothing really new here, right? Except that this time he mocked Lt. Commander Dan Crenshaw, who just won a seat in congress from Texas. Crenshaw wears a black eyepatch because he lost his eye in combat, and Davidson poked fun of him, saying he looked like a “hitman in a porno movie.”

Now, we have a lot of room for humor in our country, but making fun of a veteran for a war injury, goes too far for most people, and Davidson faced extensive criticism from both the right and the left.

This is the point where normally people would start calling for Davidson to be fired and for others start to defending him and saying that politicians are fair game for parody. (And to be fair, some of the expected rhetoric happened.)

But instead… people on the left and the right rightly pointed out that injured vets shouldn’t be mocked for their injuries.

And Davidson realized that Crenshaw deserved an apology.

So Crenshaw was invited on as a guest on SNL’s Weekend Update satirical newscast the following week and accepted Davidson’s apology. He then engaged in a sketch that mocked photos of Davidson along with the comic’s highly publicized breakup with singer Ariana Grande.  (Which is absolutely the right SNL thing to do.)

In short, a comedian and a politician managed to demonstrate that a combination of civility combined with a sense of humor could do a better job of solving problems than yelling about each other on cable news and talk radio.

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